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Christmas Music for Upper Voices

Introducing my Advent and Christmas music for Upper Voices.

These eight works are available now from the links below. 

Ding Dong! Merrily on High for SS & piano

Es ist ein' Ros' for SS & piano

The Dormouse’s Carol SS & piano

Gabriel's Message for SSA & harp or piano

The Desert for SSA & piano

Gebet in der Christnacht for SSA & piano

This Holy Night for SSA & piano

I saw three ships for upper voices & piano

Ding Dong! Merrily on High (2016)

for SS and piano


My arrangement opens in four-parts with the ‘ding dong’ of the bells being passed around the choir to imitate the ringing of church bells. The rest of the piece is in two-parts, and makes use of characterful suspensions, as well as further references to the ringing bells. A supportive piano accompaniment aids the singers as well as producing bell-like sounds to add to the overall effect.

Suitability: for both girls’ choirs and adult, women’s choirs. 

Length: 2 minutes

Perusal score here

Digital download here (£10 for license to print 10 copies)

Sheet music order here (£1.95 per copy)

Ding dong merrily on high,
In heav'n the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
Is riv'n with angel singing.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

E'en so here below, below,
Let steeple bells be swungen,
And "io, io, io!"
By priest and people sungen.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Pray you, dutifully prime
Your matin chime, ye ringers;
May you beautifully rime
Your evetime song, ye singers.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Es ist ein’ Ros’ - Maria Theresia von Paradis arr. Olivia Sparkhall (2020)

for SS & piano

Available exclusively from Multitude of Voyces


Originally a solo song published in 1786, in this edition I have added a sympathetic second soprano line, and the original words of the poem, Der Auferstehungsmorgen (the Resurrection Morning), have been replaced with the well-known Marian text Es ist ein’ Ros’. 

Suitability: all upper voices choirs

Length: 3 minutes

Perusal score here

Digital offprint here (£1.50 per copy)

Included in Anthology here (£17.99) 

Es ist ein’ Ros’ entsprungen

Aus einer Wurzel zart,

Als uns die Alten sungen:

Aus Jesse kam die Art;

Und hat ein Blümlein bracht,

Mitten im kalten Winter,

Wohl zu der halben Nacht.


Das Röslein, das ich meine, 

Davon Jesaias sagt,

Ist Maria die reine,

Die uns dies Blümlein bracht;

Aus Gottes ew’gem Rat 

Hat sie ein Kindlein geboren,

Ist bleiben eine reine Magd.


Wir bitten dich von Herzen,

Maria, Rose zart,

Durch dieses Blümlein’s Schmerzen,

Die er empfunden hat

Wollst uns behülflich sein,

Daß wir ihm mögen machen

Eine Wohnung hübsch und fein!

The Dormouse’s Carol – Elizabeth Poston arr. Olivia Sparkhall (2021)

for SS & piano

Available exclusively from Sheet Music Plus


This delightful carol by Elizabeth Poston, where a dormouse is awoken from its hibernation with the news of Jesus’s birth, has been reimagined for 2-part upper voices. A solo voice, taking the role of ‘lizard’, adds to the overall charm, and brings the piece to life. 

Suitability: children’s choirs; other upper voices choirs

Length: 2 minutes

Perusal score here

Digital download here (£1.36 per copy)

In a thorny bramble patch,

Where no dog can come to scratch

For rabbit, mole or mouse,

I wrapped myself in moss and hay

To dream the winter months away.


There, in the middle of my sleep,

I felt a scaly lizard creep

Excited round my house;

‘Wake up,’ he flicked me with his tail,

‘Summer, summer in the vale!’

‘In a stable by the Inn

Summer, summer doth begin’,

In haste I left my nest,

I raced the lizard down the hill

And to the stable windowsill.

There, in the manger on the wall,

Slept the Summer of us all,

And in a Maid's caress.

O Summer in a Winter Sun!

O Son, made flesh for everyone

To worship and confess.

Gabriel’s Message (2018)

for SSA & harp or piano (about ABRSM grade 6 standard)


This is a new setting of the well-known Basque carol which beings, ‘the angel Gabriel from heaven came’. In this version of the Basque carol, the angel Gabriel, and Mary have been cast as solo voices, with the rest of the choir taking on the role of narrator. This adds drama to the setting, helps bring it to life, and is exciting for the soloists. 


Suitability: SSA children’s, youth and adult choirs. Accessible harp/piano part.

Premiere information: with harp - Salisbury Cathedral on 14 December 2018; with piano - Southwark Cathedral on 29 November 2018

Length: 2 minutes 45 seconds

Perusal score here

Digital download here (£10 for license to print 10 copies)

Sheet music order here (£1.95 per copy)

The angel Gabriel from heaven came,

His wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;

‘All hail’, said he, ‘thou lowly maiden Mary,

Most highly favoured lady.’ Gloria!


‘For known a blessed mother thou shalt be,

All generations laud and honour thee,

Thy Son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold,

Most highly favoured lady.’ Gloria!


Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head,

‘To me be as it pleaseth God’, she said, 

My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name.’

Most highly favoured lady. Gloria!


Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ was born

In Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn,

And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say:

‘Most highly favoured lady.’ Gloria!

The Desert - Emma Mundella arr. Olivia Sparkhall (2020)

for SSA & piano


Emma Mundella’s The Desert follows the journey of the Magi to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus. A strophic piece, the structure provided plenty of opportunity for me to explore different textures, and add the obligatory Christmas descant! 


"hauntingly beautiful" John C. Hughes, National Collegiate Choral Organisation Online Journal


Suitability: all SSA choirs

Length: 2 minutes 45 seconds

Perusal score here

Digital download here (£10 for license to print 10 copies)

Sheet music order here (£1.95 per copy)

In silence, loneliness, and night,

The dreary desert lies:

And thro’ the vast and cloud-less height,

The stars with sparks of crystal light,

Have gemmed the dusky skies.


No sound upon the stillness swells,

Save where the little band

Of midnight travellers break the spells,

With the low-tinkling camel-bells,

Along the desert sand.


In chastened splendour, through the haze

Of shining worlds afar,

A holy guide in gloomy ways

Before them moves with mystic rays,

The bright, majestic star.


And all the glories of the night,

That crowd the arching skies,

Are paled before the wondrous light

That leads the travellers’ steps aright

To where the Saviour lies.


Bright star, when deepening shades combine,

O lead us lest we stray!

O may the light of love divine,

In beams of beauty ever shine

Upon the desert way!

Gebet in der Christnacht - Fanny Hensel arr. Olivia Sparkhall (2019)

for SSA & piano


An arrangement of a solo song by Fanny Hensel (nee Mendelssohn), composed when she was 18. Presented in the original German, but with an English version provided.

O Liebe, die am Kreuze rang,

O Liebe, die den Tod bezwang

Für alle Menschenkinder.

Gedenk’ in dieser heil’gen Nacht,

Die dich zu uns herabgebracht,

Der Seelen, die dir fehlen!


O Liebe; die den Stern gesandt

Hinaus in’s ferne Morgenland,

Die Könige zu rufen;

Die laut durch ihres Boten Mund

Sich gab den armen Hirten kund,

Wie bist du still geworden?


Noch eine fromme Hirtin liegt

In blinden Schlummer eingewiegt

Und träumt von grünen Bäumen.

Singt nicht vor ihrem Fensterlein

Ein Engel: Esther, laß mich ein

Der Heiland ist geboren?

O love that suffered on the cross, 

O love that conquered even death 

For all the children of men. 

Consider on this holy night,

This night that brought you down to us, 

These souls that long for you!                    


O love who sent forth the star 

Into the distant Orient, 

The Kings to summon; 

Who through the mouth of its messenger 

Announced with force to the shepherds poor, 

How quietly you came to be?        


Another pious shepherdess lies 

Lulled in sightless slumber 

And dreams of green trees. 

And does not in front of her window sing 

An angel: 'Esther, let me in, 

The Saviour is born?' 

Suitability: all SSA choirs

Length: 2 minutes 45 seconds

Perusal score here

Digital download here (£1.95 per copy)

This holy night (2019)

for SSA and piano

This is an arrangement of the traditional Irish tune, Londonderry Air. Suitable for Christmas carol services and concerts, the lyrics tell of the night of Jesus’ birth, the visit of the shepherds, and, in the final verse, of the three wise men. The final verse makes the piece also suitable for Epiphany.

Suitability: SSA children’s, youth and adult choirs. Accessible piano part.

Premiere information: Barnardo’s Christmas Carol Concert, Westminster Cathedral, 10 December 2019

Length: 2 minutes 20 seconds

Perusal score here

Sheet music order here (£2 per copy)

This holy night, whilst all around are sleeping,

In stable, bare, a maiden lies awake,

The Father, too, a watchful eye is keeping

Upon His Son, whose life will death forsake. 


A star appears, it’s twinkling in the heavens,

Its message, ‘come, and see the holy birth.’

The shepherds hurry through the streets of Bethlehem,

To see the child who’ll bring us peace on earth. 


The wise men, too, are drawing ever closer,

They bring their gifts of incense, myrrh and gold,

When they arrive they kneel before the Christ-child,

The little baby is a myst’ry to behold. 


Words: Olivia Sparkhall

I saw three ships (2021)

for upper voices and piano

For Advent & Christmas Services & Concerts. 

A jolly arrangement for two-part children's voices. Parts are equal in range, and interest; taking turns to have the tune. This arrangement is highly suitable for children's choirs. 

Suitability: young voices, children’s, and youth choirs. Accessible piano part.

Premiere information: Godolphin Christmas Carol Service, Salisbury Cathedral, December 2021

Length: 1 minute 45 seconds

Perusal score here

Sheet music order here (£1.95 per copy)

For a pdf digital copy, email

1. I saw three ships come sailing in,
  On Christmas day, on Christmas day,
I saw three ships come sailing in,
  On Christmas day in the morning.

2. And what was in those ships all three?

3. Our Saviour Christ and his lady

4. Pray whither sailed those ships all three?

5. Oh, they sailed into Bethlehem,

6. And all the bells on earth shall ring,

7. And all the Angels in Heaven shall sing,

8. And all the souls on earth shall sing,

9. Then let us all rejoice, amain,

   On Christmas day, on Christmas day,

Then let us all rejoice, amain,

   On Christmas day in the morning.

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