A Young Person's Guide to Vocal Health by Olivia Sparkhall
with illustrations by David Walsby
and a foreword by Jenevora Williams
Order a copy directly from Olivia for £15 (inc. free P&P) UK only.
Click here to purchase a copy from Banks Music Publications.
Click here to purchase a copy from the publisher, Compton Publications.
Click here to bulk purchase 5 copies directly from the publisher.
If you want to maintain a good, healthy speaking and singing voice, then it is essential that you keep your voice box in good working order.
Here is a simple guide to help you to understand what’s good (and what’s bad!) when looking after your ‘vocal instrument’, and how you can keep your voice in great shape.
It shows you the best ways to maintain good vocal health and how to avoid or
deal with problems like colds and sore throats, shouting in sports halls, overuse, poor diet, hormones, anxiety and, yes, smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs!

Reviews: BBC Music Magazine Educate Magazine Church Music Quarterly
Podcasts and Interviews: Singing teachers talk Music Teachers Podcast

“…such a valuable resource for young people…immensely practical, relevant, and well-researched. This is an essential resource for those who sing and act as well as their teachers.” Jenevora Williams, PhD.

“It's outstandingly clearly laid out for young singers. I reckon every child who learns to sing in the world should have a copy.” Robert-John Edwards, renowned singing teacher and bass-baritone.
“I will definitely recommend our school libraries to get a copy and I will recommend it to all of my young students.”
Louisa Barry, singing teacher and voice health professional.
If you are UK-based, and would like Olivia to post you a copy, please send her a message using the contact form.